Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 8 (Day 59) Part 2

I am back. Where was I...oh, yeah. The yard is still a work in progress. Some things have been cleaned up, but there is still a lot of work to do. I have to take the pictures I have on my camera, put them on my computer, email them to myself, then load them here. Then you will see what I mean.

The weather has gotten considerably cooler. It did not help that the generator for our tent was not working properly. The (warm) air was not getting blown/circulated, so it was uncomfortable to say the least. I had my sheets and two wool blankets, and still slept in sweats! Let me tell you, it was no picnic getting out of bed in the morning either. Exposing oneself as needed to actually put on clothes, and mine were cold of course, was not a fun chore. This went on for the last week! Fortunately, the mechanics finally got it fixed, so now it, if not pleasant, is at least warm.

I do not remember if I mentioned it already, but three of my Soldiers were promoted as of the 1st! I was so excited to be a part of the ceremony. I am also proud of them. They all work hard, have great attitudes, and represent the military honorably.

Just finished having my lunch. Today it was beef kabobs, corn, mashed potatoes, and onion rings. Of course, no meal is complete without dessert, so had some chocolate cake. Aside from the food being cold, or getting so rather quickly, it was not bad. My mother sent me some microwave-safe plates and bowls to remedy this problem. I just have to wash them off first.

My skype account went haywire this past week. Tried to open the dialog window, and all I got was a login one. This only allowed me to access the home page, which does not have a link to chat. Even after resetting the password (I think I was given a new login name), it still did not work. Only after finally finding a way to email the company was I able to get it set up again. Along electronic lines - I bought the last Harry Potter movie, which of course came with a digital copy. I like the copies, so I don't have to carry the actual disc along when on the road. Unfortunately, it came in some new format called Ultraviolet and is on Flixster. I was sorely disappointed in it. Not only did the download take forever (I know I am deployed), but even when I was notified it was complete, it wasn't. I think it did set up for streaming, which is not helpful to me right now. I actually could care less about that capability anyway. I emailed the company and actually got a response. In the reply, they mentioned that new technologies have issues. No surprise there! But I figured not actually being able to download would have been an issue resolved before releasing to the public. They are offering me a code to download through iTunes. Will let you know how that goes.

I recently got hooked on Kakuro. Rather than explaining here, it would be easier if you did an internet search. It is quite the addictive number puzzle game. Received a book of them from Operation Gratitude, an organization dedicated to helping deployed servicepeople. My book has 100 of them, four sections of 25, from "easy" to "danger Will Robinson." Okay, I made that up, but you get the drift. I have started the moderate (second) section. If you like Sudoku, you will like this one. Also have started watching the show 24 (again) from the beginning. My NCOIC bought the set, and when she is done with a season, she lets me borrow it. I am into the second season right now. Also purchased the first six seasons of NCIS during the Thanksgiving sellathon. They were about 70% off, so could not pass them up. I am alternating it with 24.

Need to send out some Christmas cards, so will go for now. Until next time...

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