Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 10 (Day 212)

Hey, it’s me Stumpy, writing from my short chair. Another week (or so!) has passed, and let me tell you it has been a less than stellar one! For starters, I and my platoon sergeant are trying to work out some problems at one of my outlying FOBs. Evidently, things were being allowed to happen that were a no-go. My platoon sergeant went there to try and get things ironed out between my Soldier stationed there and the contractor. I am heading there in a few days myself to get a close-up. I also will have to do an audit of the contractor, so I will end up staying for a few days.

On the positive side, I have managed (with help from some friends) to get a couple of the projects at the post office completed. Our “boardwalk” was replaced, making for a safer work environment, and I had the locals build me a staircase to access the top of our 20’ containers. The plan is to stack some containers so ground space is cleared out. I have one more project I’d like to complete pretty quickly, and that is to enclose the front of the post office, where we have a small porch area with mailing forms. We may end up doing that ourselves; it just entails framing for plywood, and also frame out a door.

GO, SPURS, GO! I was able to watch game four; it was so exciting to watch my home team play. Now it’s on to round two, their opponents to be decided. The consensus in my office is that the Heat is taking the championship. They say the only team that has even a chance of beating them is OKC. If the Spurs can’t win, I just hope the Lakers lose. To make that happen, Denver has their work cut out for them.

Anyways, that is all for now. Until next time….

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