Well, another week down! It is again Sunday morning here in Afghanistan, and I am working my normal volunteer hours at the USO. I live for Sundays, since it is the one day where I don’t have to stay in the office. That is not the case today, for I need to finish writing a letter to the president of my promotion board, as well as put together a reference letter for a contractor who works at the post office. I am hoping it doesn’t take too long to complete these tasks, since I want to spend some time at the gym today.
One of my Soldiers, SSG Arellano, was selected for promotion this past E-7 board. The results came out last week. My E-7, SFC Stepherson, looked at the results online and called SSG A to congratulate him, and he didn’t even know yet! He had not looked up the results himself. It was so funny! He even has a low number (below 200). It was very good news.
I scanned an article this week about Willow Smith and her new shoes. Evidently, they cost almost $700, and were some sort of tennis shoe with a high-heel…without the actual heel. Very bizarre! The bigger question of course is does an 11-year old (or anybody really) need shoes that cost that much? I must say, even if I was a billionaire, I bet I would still buy $50 sneakers!
I finished reading “The Bourne Sanction,” sixth in the series, last night. Excellent read. I am enjoying the series. There are three more already published, with another due this year. I probably mentioned this before, but given what I have read post-“Ultimatum” I need to read the actual original trilogy. It seems some significant changes were made to the movie adaptations. Not to say the movies weren’t great, because they were. I just need to make sure to get novels not based on the movies. I started a new Prey novel by John Sandford. “Storm Prey” is 20th in the series, centered on a MN detective who is assigned special cases deemed either too political for the average policeman, or simply too dangerous. Great reads! I am also reading “The Sigma Protocol,” the last novel written by Robert Ludlum, although published posthumously. If you have never read a Ludlum novel, you are missing out. Lastly, I am about half-way through T2: Infiltrator. This one is on my Kindle.
Getting ready to watch “24: Redemption” this afternoon to prep for season 7 of “24.” This is the next to last season. I am enjoying re-watching the series. Sounds like the upcoming movie may not happen…again! Seems timing is everything. I am quite disappointed; I was really looking forward to another go with Jack Bauer.
Just spoke with Mom on Skype, which is always enjoyable. Times like those bring me closer to home, making my time away easier to tolerate. Thanks, Mom (and Dad when he is there)!
Weather continues to improve. We reached the 70s the last few days, a welcome relief to the colder temperatures we experienced through the winter months. I have had people tell me to watch out for the summer months, how hot it is. I tell them I am from Texas, and further discussion is moot! LOL
Well, it is time to go. Until next time…
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