Looking back on the last couple of weeks, I see that I was a little discombobulated. Our current higher headquarters is redeploying back to the states; this means requests for a lot of information, albeit it is really the same info in different formats/spreadsheets/charts etc… It all depends who which section wants it. This obviously leads to a lot of overlap, but also to miscommunication and lost info. A couple of times this past week I have been included in groups of people who have not done “something,” when in fact I did, so I have to resend the previous email (so the date is shown), so I am off the hook. Another transfer of personnel affects our operations at the APO, and that is a new “system” to move mail. We are transitioning to moving mail by air, not all of it of course, but enough to take some of the load off of convoys. The idea is to keep our guys off the ground. I applaud the theme, but I don’t think the powers that be realize what is involved here, so we are going to do a trial run, conduct an after action review, and see what needs fixing and how to do it. The last big thing that has been on my mind is my promotion board (which convenes tomorrow). I have been busy coordinating getting my file prepared to give myself the best chance possible of being selected (thanks to my parents and CPT DeAngelis!).
We had a personnel shift recently, sending one of my NCOs to KAF and bringing one of my Soldiers to Shindand. I think it will be better, since my NCO can keep track of the troops there and keep me and my platoon sergeant informed of goings on. I felt a little disconnected from my troops at KAF, not knowing whether all was well, and it was difficult to communicate directly with them. Hopefully the new set-up will mitigate this.
Encountered a little setback with the projects I want to complete. I needed certain pieces of paperwork in order to be able to get supplies from the depot. I managed to get the paperwork, but some accounting codes didn’t match, so it is a no-go. I am now going to wait until the new company is in place in a couple of weeks, and start over. I don’t want to wait, but really don’t have a choice. By the time I get this fiasco fixed, the company will be leaving, and I’ll be starting over anyway. Gotta love government bureaucracy! LOL
My friend deWayne put together a mortgage amortization spreadsheet for me. I have actually had some fun messing with it, seeing how increases in principle payments decreases the loan term. It has definitely showed me the benefit of adding principle each month. Thanks for the assist, deWayne!
Enjoying the nice weather we are having. It has consistently been in the upper 70s, maybe lower 80s during the day, with cool nights – lower 60s maybe? I would love it if it stayed like this the rest of my tour, but alas it is not likely to be. I am sure we will be getting higher temps once summer is upon us. Someone was in the APO the other day saying it will get into the 120s. I believe he thinks we are in Iraq. From what I have seen, the averages through the summers here in Shindand don’t rise to 100⁰, although 111⁰ has been the highest recorded in the last decade. Let’s hope we don’t have that this year!
Been doing some running, which is definitely not my favorite activity (but I still have PT tests to pass), and have been timing sub-eight minute miles for 4 miles. This is not a fast enough pace for my 2-mile PT run, of course, but hope this longer distance running will help me improve my test time. Speaking of PT tests, they just came out with the new version. It will have a one-minute push-up, one-minute rower (similar to a sit-up), 60-yard shuttle sprint, standing long jump, and still the 2-mile run. Presumably, the new test will be administered to the Army at large later this year.
I can’t believe it is April! Not that I am complaining. April means our half-way mark through our deployment, and three months from my R&R, which will see my first visit to Europe. I can’t wait! Well, maybe I can since I really don’t have a choice! To be sure, July will be here before I know it. As much as I am looking forward to the trip, seeing my family will much sweeter.
Well, I’ve gone on long enough. I hope to not have so much time go by before posting again. Until next time…
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