Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23 (Day 105)

Well, it got COLD this weekend!  Saturday night it rained almost constantly. Got up at 0615 to get ready for my USO duty and it was still raining. When I walked outside at 0630, it was snowing. It was pretty light, so I figured it would just be flurries and not even stick, but I was wrong. Figure we got a couple of inches, and it was more toward the powdery side than slush. It had stopped by the time I left the USO at 0900, the sun had come out, but it was still surprisingly cold. The wind was brisk, so that didn’t help. There was still plenty of moisture left on the ground Sunday night that this morning there was a lot of frozen patches all over the ground. Even in the dark while walking to the USO, I could see the glint from the moonlight and other sporadic lights around the compound.
I brought up an issue to the USO staff this morning. There is a rule on base that bags are not allowed in public use areas like the DFAC, P/X etc… Well, some folks live on the other side of base and the lead USO representative started allowing people using the USO to bring their bags in while using the provided services. The intent of course is to “ease the burden” for these individuals (I think this is nonsense and will explain why in a moment). Now people have started to ask to leave their items in the USO while they go eat breakfast for example. WHAT??? First, (as I alluded to a second ago) it is not like people have just started moving across the base. This has been standard procedure. When the rule was firmly in place for all facilities, taking care of your personal baggage was not an issue, people made their own accommodations. Second, this is a security issue. Of course, those wanting to leave their items are told we are not responsible for them, and they may agree, but that means nothing. Complaints and accusations can still be made, marring the image of the USO and any volunteers working at the time of the incident. Let’s not forget that these items can be left intentionally to harm others. Third, are we a storage locker?
I have a friend who teaches middle school. Her class got together and sent us goodies over the holidays. I am now making some bracelets and keychains for them. Planning on a video as well, but need to find a better place than my room, and of course, time. Not like I can do it right in a few short minutes. It will likely take a few “takes.”
I have had a request for some more pics, so am going to oblige on the next entry, so until next time…

Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 19 (Day 101)

A tragedy struck here a couple of days ago. A civilian helicopter went down, with all three crewmembers killed. There were no passengers. It hit close to home for me, not only because we worked with these people in the past, but because this crew had just taken three of my troops to another location. The rumors have started, of course and unfortunately, and I do not know the details, which I would not share regardless.  Please keep the families and friends affected in your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

January 15 (Day 97)

It is Sunday, the 15th. Can’t believe we are already halfway through the month! Wasn’t New Years just the other day? This is crazy. Not that I am complaining; it just means I am that much closer to finishing my mission. It is weird, though, because the days actually seem to drag by, since our mail volume has returned to pre-rush levels. It is a dichotomy, no?

 Attended a paracord bracelet class last night and learned something new. It is not actually a bracelet, but more of a rope used with a keychain or lanyard. It is really cool. I got in some paracord I ordered, along with bracelet clips. Have 11 colors, so I can mix and match. Will probably order some more, since once I start making some trinkets, the cord can go fast!
It is shipping day today. Have some stuff I no longer need here, taking up space, including Christmas items, books, etc… so going to purchase a “tuff” box, load it, and send it home. Of course, Mom and Dad may be hard pressed to find a corner to stuff it in, but I am hopeful they will be able to find a solution. I have seen a lot of people come through the APO with a lot of stuff to send home. They not only have to pack it all at one time, and carry several boxes/duffels to the APO, they end up having to cough up some serious money to cover the costs.

I continue to enjoy “24” and “NCIS” on my downtime in the evenings. Eight episodes into season 3 of the former, and two episodes to go in season 3 of the latter. You know a show is good when, even though you know what is going to happen, you enjoy watching it anyway. That is the case for both these shows. I have been communicating with my friend deWayne, who just finished watching the entire series of “Lost.” I could definitely go through that series again as well.

Of course, I also have read, and continue to read, some good books. I just started the next book in the Jason Bourne series (Betrayal) and reading a book based on the series “24” (Veto Power). In addition, I started reading a series of ebooks on my Kindle based on Star Wars, set between 5,000-3,000 years before “New Hope.” The series is titled “Lost Tribe of the Sith.” Some books in the queue are R.A. Salvatore’s “The Bear”, Patrick Robinson’s “Intercept”, Eric Von Lustbader’s “The Bourne Sanction”, Vince Flynn’s “Balance of Power”, S.M. Stirling’s “T2: Infiltrator”, and Tom MacDonald’s “The Charlestown Connection.”

Well, that is all for now. Hopefully, I will actually have something important to say next time! Until then…


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 10 (Day 92)

Well, I am past the 90 day mark, or one could look at it as 25% through my deployment. Today is a great football is over! I was so sick of seeing nothing but that non-sense for weeks on end while working at the USO. Usually I could ignore it and wander the internet on my computer, or perhaps read. However, this morning, the "big game" was on, so the volume was higher than usual, and I couldn't concentrate on anything else. It felt like sticking hot pokers in my head (or use any other simile you wish.) I wonder if I am the only male on this planet who is not addicted to that, or any other, sport?

I just got back to the office after going to the gym for a bit; worked my shoulders, forearms, triceps, and calves. I like to do circuit-like training, which allows me to spend less time in the gym, while still getting quite a few exercises in. I stayed for about an hour, feeling like a got something done, but not feeling worn out – I get enough of that at work! J I have found that going in the middle of the afternoon works well; there are a lot fewer people there, so I don’t have to wait for benches and the like. Essentially, going at this time allows me to spend less time away from the office. I work through lunch to make up for being absent at this time, so I still get a full day’s work in.
I plan on taking my “projects” Soldier to the supply facility here to set up a dialogue. I have several projects in mind (pallet staging area, cubby holes for unit sorting areas, and additional storage space in our supply container) which require lumber for the most part, in addition to the minor accouterments like screws. Now that our mail volume has returned to “normal,” it is a good time to get the ball rolling. Not only will it improve the facility, my Soldiers will be kept busy, and it will be a good growth experience; or as my dad would say, it builds character!
We have started to get food shipments back in. We almost had to go to MREs instead of hot meals. It got to the point where there were about three entrees to choose from, so it was like Groundhog Day when visiting the DFAC. Of course, this affected the sandwich shop as well. They did not have turkey for quite some time (or real cheese for that matter). The only “cheese” they had was American, which I am sure all you educated people out there know is not really cheese at all. I consider it maybe a half-step up from canned cheese product. The good news is turkey is back, as well as swiss and provolone cheeses. I again have a back-up if the DFAC is serving something less than desirable.
Updating a previous post: I finished my first book loaded onto my Kindle – The Abbey by Chris Culver. It was a rather enjoyable read. It is the author’s first book, but he mentioned at the end of this book to be on the lookout for a follow-up, so I will do so. I also completed reading Pirate Latitudes, and The Body of David Hayes. Both are by established authors, so there really wasn’t a question that they would be fun reads. I have now started 24: Declassified – Veto Power, and The Bourne Betrayal in physical format, and an early Star Wars series on my Kindle. I am also almost finished with season 3 of NCIS. There are two more seasons to go in my collection, which means I will more than likely be on the lookout to get seasons 7 and 8. My platoon sergeant gave me her entire series of 24, of which I have already (re)watched the first two seasons. There are 8 total I believe, so I will be set for a while. I also borrowed a series called Seven Days from my best friend back home. I think there are 4-5 seasons there.  
Not much to detail at work this time around, so until next time…

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3 (Day 85)

Well, it is 2012. The end of the world is upon us, at least according to the Mayans, and more importantly the based-on-a-true-story movie. So if you are inclined to, spend all your money, rack up the debt, party like a rock star, and have all the fun you want, because this is your last chance. I would join in if I weren't in the middle of the desert. What rotten timing! So, please think of me when you are joined in frivolity. I'd appreciate it. Now, back to reality...

I managed to get a loaner 4K forklift through this Friday. It has been nice to have operations run smoothly. Unfortunately, I have to give it back by Saturday. I am trying to line up another one to borrow for the next couple of weeks. Hopefully I can make that happen, and mine will be fixed by then. Of course, that is only important if we actually get mail in. Heard today that there is a fuel shortage, and DHL, our carrier, is on the chopping block for this resource. If we don’t find another source of liquid propellant, or get the powers that be to change their minds, our ops will come to a stop by the weekend.
My nose has been buried in charts and reports for the last couple of days, trying to get a handle on all these new requirements. I have made some headway. Of course, that means I hope they don’t notice that I didn’t get it all done! LOL Now my Commander wants me to start working my Officer Evaluation Report (OER) support form. I have to put down my duties and responsibilities, and major performance objectives. This will eventually segue into hyping me to megalomaniac status. I will be the best 1LT in the entire Army! Contrary to popular belief, I really do hate self-aggrandizement, and more importantly, I am really bad at it. Unfortunately, this is a pre-requisite for career advancement. I just think it is funny that everyone knows this goes on, the use of flowery language to exaggerate what you do. If someone is better at it, they get ahead.
I am finally managing to get myself into the gym on a regular basis. I am going at lunch, exercise for about an hour, then grab lunch and back to the office; home away from home… away from home. I do two days of weights, followed by some cardio. The goal is really just to try and stay in shape. I wouldn’t mind gaining some muscle, but the amount of time I devout to this activity is not likely to allow that to happen! I just do not want to be that guy who can’t see his toes beyond his gut.
I am into the third season of NCIS. Although I have seen a majority of them at one time or another, it is still fun to watch, especially in order (even though that isn’t required). It is interesting to see the progression of the characters, how they grew, how they were replaced.  I was surprised at the number of episodes I hadn’t seen before, though. I am almost done with Michael Crichton’s “Pirate Latitudes,” with about 20 pages to go. I plan on finishing it tonight. Working on Ridley Pearson’s “The Body of David Hayes;” about half-way through. I am also reading a book called “The Abbey” on my Kindle. Can’t remember the author’s name right now, but I am enjoying it. It is set in Indianapolis, which is pretty cool. According to the display, I am about 30% done with that one.
Well, that is all for now. Hopefully, my life will become more interesting, and therefore more scintillating for all of you.
Until next time...